onsdag 9 februari 2011

TEDtalk "What is in your hand?"

I'm not too fond of religion as a rule, mostly because there is so much preaching and so little doing, but in this talk Rick Warren asks a very thought provocing question. I actually felt touched and got a little blurry eyed at the end (though I should be honest and say that I'm extra emotional right now so).

lördag 29 januari 2011


Found it, found it, found it!! :D Marika här är han, Damian at your sevice! ;P

tisdag 18 januari 2011

Everything You Know About Nutrition is Wrong!

This guy, UndergroundWellness, is active at youtube educating the masses about R E A L food. What's good for you and what's not and all that, found him not long ago and I think I'm no my way to catch up with all of his videos.

onsdag 8 december 2010

Symboliken i denna låt = kärlek

I want it known that I was a fan of her before I kissed a girl.

Then perhaps it should be known that that's about the only artist I ever found before the "genombrott".. Random?

onsdag 24 november 2010


Dålig kläddag ggr500!?


Aragorn kommer..

Det här är humor på hög nivå! ;)

JepoH3nkka 1 month ago 5

Ah nostalgi... Skaparna heter Ted Forsström och Kaj Korkea-Aho (finlandssvenskar), de har gått ganska lång väg; från detta clip - radio pleppo - flera TV program - och Kaj har skrivit en jäklit bra bok som heter se till mig som liten är

tisdag 23 november 2010

Hospital Corners

Lumpen kan inte vara roligt om de gör sådant här?